Friday 23 September 2016

Walk up la Banne d'Ordanche

Yesterday I went up Glider Mountain again.  I was still a bit weak from the last cold, so took it slowly.  From Murat le Quaire onward I took photos along the way, so you can join me on the hike if you like!

I always walk the car route, rather than the hikers' route, so it is about 8 km up to base camp, plus another 500 ms or so to the mountain top.  I did take the hikers' path on the way back, and ended up on a dirt track.  I am not doing that again!  Very uncomfortable walking, stones and pebbles on a steep downhill path - my feet still hurt!

Here is a google map link to my route:,+France/La+Banne+d'Ordanche,+63150+Murat-le-Quaire,+France/@45.5991283,2.7174958,13z/am=t/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x47f7760fd959c35b:0x4093cafcbe5ca10!2m2!1d2.738992!2d45.587241!1m5!1m1!1s0x47f7743109955b81:0x5ce980cc13cace0a!2m2!1d2.772513!2d45.6112442!3e0

Here ends Murat le Quaire

The long and winding road ...

Near the Cabane restaurant and hotel - they have the only webcam anywhere near the mountain.

The Lorelei lake

Getting closer

Not la Banne, but some other, lesser, mountain

It is late Summer, and the vegetation is dried up

On one side at the bottom of Glider Mountain - secret hideaway of  La Dame d'Ordanche?

Base camp

Club cabin of the Glidermen, where I left a donation of toilet paper (they are always short)

It's further than you think, especially after the trek up from la Bourboule

The antenna - radio controlled gliders need signal strength

The first scale model gliders zoomed into view

Four Flyboys enjoying the sun

Lovely gliders, though they cheated - a motor jumped into action whenever the glider veered off course

Last few meters up to the summit

Amazing number of wooden steps

Once there the view is breathtaking!

My fellow summeteers - they rested up while I descended again.  It's a long way back down!  They all had cars at base camp.

On the road again

Lorelei Lake peeking through the trees during one of my ill advised short cuts

Back in Murat le Quaire

I found another short cut - not a good one!

Back in la Bourboule.  Notice the flower pots in front of this house just before a hairpin curve?  I wonder how many pots are lost each year due to faulty breaks!  Might be a nice little earner for the householder - I can see no other reason for this ill-advised siting of so many fragile pots.

All in all I marched about 14, at least 4 of them on very rough paths.  Strangely enough I counted only three very small blisters, but did manage to get a sunburn on each arm (a scarf prevented neck burns!).

Today is for farewells and distribution of thank you gifts to my cure-administrators and hotel staff, cleaning up my apartment, polishing the plaque on the bench, and preparing for the trip home.  Given my weighty suitcase I am not exactly looking forward to it.  Oh the curse of possessions!