Monday 7 October 2013

Hedgerow Haunting

Hawthorn berries

I live within fifteen minutes walk of hedgerow country.  Whenever I feel the need to hunt & gather, all I need to do is pick up my pail and meander into the country side.  That's what I did yesterday!  I felt the strong urge to get out and about, and since the crabapples are ready to harvest I decided to pick a peck of them to make crabapple pickles.  I had a simply wonderful time, and took lots of photos as I walked along, so you can walk next to me virtually and enjoy a warm sunny autumn afternoon ....

Crabapples, now pickled in glass jars awaiting their fate as Christmas presents

Rosehips, there were loads of them - great for jam!

Blackberries had a bumper year as well

Hawthorn - beautiful but taste insipid

Sloes - sloe gin anyone?



Old fashioned turnstyle - keeps out the cows!