Friday 31 August 2012

I know you’re not gonna like this …..

…. But see if I care!

OK, today I spent an hour trying out my new camera.  It was a bit frustrating, because the weather has been iffy lately, too much rain and overcast skies – I like a blue sky and bright sunshine, thank you very much.

Nevertheless I managed to take one or two nice little snapshots.

This big fella is one of the many cheery art works that are scattered throughout la Bourboule.  The town is primarily intended for children, and children like that sort of thing.  I shall depict a few more in times to come, no doubt.

And you may remember this Lady and Child from last year’s posts.  I re-took the shot just to see how it comes out on the new camera.

One of its nice features is that you can specify what resolution photo you want.  Only trouble is, if you pick the highest you can only take five pictures and then the memory is exhausted!  And that is the default mode, so when I first took a few yesterday I had a rude shock – after just a minute or two of snapping my brand new camera refused all service!  Off I went home to read the instruction manual )I had my suspicions).  It was buried deep within the manual, but eventually I discovered the truth.  Henceforth I shall go with 1600x1200, that way I can take 46 photos – which is usually all I need – and still have an excellent (anyway, much much better than with my old coolpix) image quality.  Of course I could buy a memory card ….

The weather quickly turned nasty again, so I cut my little excursion short and went home.  And what do I see opposite my hotel but a little bird impaled on the front of a car?  I have never seen such a thing!  I was horrified and appalled!  Not too horrified and appalled to take a few photos, obviously!