Monday 16 September 2013

Twisting by the Pool – in La Bourboule!

I try to go swimming every day, but when the weather is cold and rainy and I am given the choice between braving the elements to walk to the pool to jump into a basin of cold water, and staying indoors with a pot of tea and a plate of cookies, I rarely choose the former.  Today, however, I was tricked – for my own good – to abandon the cookies and go to swim.

It rained all day today, and having gotten soaked first when going to the Therme and later when going to lunch, I was in no mood to leave the house again to walk the fifteen minutes to the La Bourboule Pool.  But suddenly, at six in the evening, the sun came out!  It looked so lovely that I couldn’t resist.  I grabbed by swimming bag and off I went.  The sunshine lasted exactly five minutes until after I reached the pool!

But I am not complaining, because today’s pool experience was the best I ever had!  The La Bourboule Pool is rather a splendid affair.  It is brand new, having only opened two years ago.  There is a large main pool, with two lines reserved for serious swimmers, as well as secondary pools with fountains, whirlpools, and a slide.  It has glass walls from top to bottom on three sides, so one can watch the dramatic mountainous landscape while doing one’s rounds.  Today, as on previous days, I saw fog-shrouded mountains and rain-drenched shrubbery.  But unlike on previous day, this did not depress me!

I had the good fortune to share the pool with a group of ladies who were exercising in the water to the sound of uplifting music with a regular beat.  This did wonders for my swimming, because, just like my walking speed adjusts itself automatically to whatever music I happen to hear, my swimming speed does the same.  I raced up and down the pool like greased lightning (well, sort of) and felt full of the joys of autumn.

When the group left the pool only I and another swimmer remained.  The three pool attendants turned off most of the lights, and since neither of us complained about the music, amused themselves by playing ever wilder songs.  I swam to Glen Miller, the Blues Brothers, and Bill Haley.  Every time I thought I really should stop and get out of the pool the music kept me swimming.  Soon the other swimmer left, and it was just me and the three pool attendants.

Since I clearly had no need of them, the pool attendants started to get into the grove.  First they just tapped their feet and clapped their hands, then they nodded their heads, and eventually they started to dance!  At first it was a bit half hearted, but when the speaker boomed ‘Twisting by the Pool’ by Dire Straits the music really took hold of them and they did just that.  It was just brilliant; there I was doing my rounds in the dimly lit pool with three people in red uniforms twisting by the pool in the setting sun to the sound of Dire Straits!

It was too good to last, of course.  Some officious supervisor type came in, pointed meaningfully to the large clock on the wall, and waved me out of the pool.  I guess he had a point – I had swum for over an hour and it was past closing time.  I walked home utterly exhausted – usually I swim for half an hour and much more slowly – with a beatific smile on my face.  What a wonderful experience I had!  Wouldn't have missed it for the world!