Sunday 26 April 2015

Culinary Adventures in Paris

When I went to Paris ten days ago - it seems like ages ago now - I went, inter alia (very inter alia) to Chartier, the famous restaurant in the centre of Paris.  Great food, and cheap, and loads of subjects for people watching, if that is your thing.  Very quick and efficient service - waitering in France is actually a profession in France, not a past-time for jobbing students as in England, and it shows.  I tried some celery salad and steak tartare and both were excellent.  We went early and didn't have to queue, but just check out the long line of people wanting to go in as we were leaving!

After that we skedaddled over to E. Dehillerin, apparently Paris' greatest cook-shop.  I have to admit it has an awesome range, and I was pretty impressed by the size of their pots, but their cast iron range was pretty basic, and they didn't have poffertjes pans, either.  Still, it was a well worth visit!

Other adventures during that weekend included the Bourse (stock exchange), a fleamarket where I bought a dozen linen union dish towels, lots of ice cream, and lolling around on exotic grasses.  Life was good!