Sunday 21 July 2013

London Sights - Little Venice to Camden Lock

Yesterday I met up with some old friends in London.  After coffee at the Club, lunch at Fortnum & Mason (air conditioning!!!) and a little light shopping, we decided to walk to the Paddington Basin.  In the heat it was quite a feat, but we eventually got there.

The basin is just behind Paddington Station, right in the middle of London, and still looks a little unfinished / abandoned.  We walked along the canal to Little Venice, discovered that there were canal cruises, and decided to drift along the water to Camden Lock.

A lovely trip, especially since we floated through an area that looked very industrial and a little shabby - still lots of tourists, mind.  It was wonderfully cool on the canal, very welcome after the unrelenting heat recently.  As for Camden Lock, that would require several posts to describe - madness cubed!

Another week at least of heatwaveish weather, how ever will we survive?

Paddington Basin

Standoff at Paddington - two men facing each other, see also below

Walking towards Little Venice


Floating on the canal - see the Vespa?

Note the Pirate flag!

Chinese riverboat?

Arriving in Camden Lock