Wednesday 31 July 2013

Happy International I Love Broccoli Day!!!!

I was going to tell the tale of Prince Broccoli of the Auvergne, but was too busy with work to do any real research, so you will have to gird yourself with patience and make do with the following little Limerick:

Some eat it with glee
others see it and flee.
Among experts it's rumoured
that it thrives if well humoured
and is watered with Lady Grey Tea.

Although strictly speaking a flower, I have not been lucky with arranging it for the living room decorations! Therefore I made a sort of scallopped potato/ham/broccoli gratin, cooked in cream and topped with cheddar cheese, bacon bits and spring onions. Quite delicious, even if I say so myself. It is quite a flexible recipe, but whatever you do, don't forget the nutmeg!

Fry slices of potato lightly in olive oil ...

add cut up cooked and smoked ham ...

add broccoli ...

dust with nutmeg and add grated cheese and lots of cream  ...

bake in oven for one hour ...

scatter chopped onions anf fried bacon bits!

Is there a better dessert than strawberries?

Have a Lovely International I Love Broccoli Day!!!