Sunday 5 April 2020

Journal of the Plague Years 13 - Photos of the past - Paris

Twin & friends, in front of the museum's copy of the Statue of Liberty

Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris - Musée des arts et métie

In the last year I didn't write many blog posts, on account of being ill and exhausted.  That doesn't mean I didn't do anything - I did!

Now that I have more time, and am confined to the Little House, I can re-visit some of these 'doings' and post the photos I made back then, but never posted.

Up first is the last visit to Paris last November.  I went with my dear Twin & Triplet to see the As, and we had a great time, as always.  We had wanted to go to the Museum of Arts and Crafts for a long time, and since the weather was not too nice this was the perfect day for it.

In addition to the museum we also did the usual wandering around Paris, lunching, Teaing, and so forth, ending up at Angelina's again, I seem to recall.

Note to the photos - my camera isn't good indoors, and flashes are not allowed in the museum, so I know they aren't great.  No reflection on the museum, which is!

The museum contains all sorts of examples and even prototypes of early inventions, anything from telephones to spinning and weaving equipment, and is totally fascinating.  And sorry, but I don't even remember what most of the machines depicted in the photos are!

Reading the information


Angelina's - old photo.

Angelina earlier blog post