Monday 23 March 2020

Journal of the Plague Year 4 - Plague Mask

My plague mask has arrived!!!!  Mega massive excitement in the house of DB. 

I immediately put it on - when the doorbell rang.  It is a little tricky to get off, so I opened the door as I was, much to the consternation of the deliveryman.

"Just my new face mask," I brightly told him.  He left quickly.  Oh dear.

Then I played around with it, trying to take what is commonly referred to as a 'Selfie'.  Not as easy as one might think!  In the end I pressed Belmondo Fratinelli into service, he is a little small but it sort of worked.

Anyway, you get the idea!

As usual, I bought first and thought later.  I can't fit my glasses under this mask.

Time to switch to contact lenses!


There is Belmondo behind that mask - wasted on him, of course!

If you want some details about Belmondo, click on the link!

This is me, selfiefying

The idea is that you fill the beak with aromatic herbs to discourage microbes.  I shall stuff a handkerchief soaked in aromatic oils in there - Ravintsara for choice.