Friday 1 March 2019

DB the Bean Counter

The large bottle was full of peas, kidney beans, and white beans

This was the task - separate all the dried pulses in the large bottle into three bowls.  It took three hours.  About 9 kg worth of produce.

And no, I am not going to explain this.  The person who understands is the person who benefits.

The large bottle was difficult to handle; I decanted a portion into a bowl, and then started sorting

The top portion was mainly split peas, with a smattering of kidney beans

I tried sifting, and that worked to some extent with the peas

The peas done, I dug deeper and found the white beans to sort

Eventually I was done!

I decanted the pulses into bags, with the help of my jam funnel - all done!

Brexit has a lot to answer for!