Monday 28 March 2016

Plants plants everywhere!

After my successful improvisation of a window sill to accommodate flowering bulbs I googled around about the benefits of houseplants, and was reminded that according to a study by NASA they are absolutely topping for cleaning the air in the house.  And seeing as I have been having the occasional asthma issue I thought, here is the answer to all my air quality problems!  I found a list of the best performers, and went out to buy about a dozen, which I distributed around the house.

Pleased with my efforts I went back to google some more about the advantages of these green friends, only to discover to my horror that the whole thing is a fraud!  Apparently the NASA study was (a) flawed and (b) wrongly reported, and anyway one would need about 30 plants per room to make any sort of difference - with that many plants in a room I wouldn't fit any longer!

I was kind of in a bad mood after that.  All this space I have allotted to those green things, and they don't even bloom, and now they will not make me healthy, either!  To make things worse, I mainly bought the sort that are almost indestructible and so I can't kill them off by over or under watering, darn it!

What's a woman to do?

View from dining room into the Mouserleum

Primroses and Lily-of-the-Valleys

Tete-a-tete and grape hyacinths in the Mouserleum

Forget-me-nots in the Mouserleum

Smallest room in the house

Back bedroom

Back bedroom

Front bedroom

Shamrock is doing ducky in a bonsai pot

There is always a clivia in bloom in the house