Monday 29 July 2019

Little Up-Date From DB-Hausen

Alive and kicking - wish I could!

Yes, I am alive, and coping - ish!

So what is happening?  Why is the DB-Unit not publishing?

As a general comment, my priorities are (1) working, (2) surviving, (3) socialising, and (4) writing.  And that includes all sorts of writing, which is probably why I write so little, and take ten years to finish one book.

Proper, serious, writers put their writing first.  They are prepared to lose their jobs, alienate friends & relations, and compromise their health, in pursuit of their muse.  I am not that sort of person.  For me, life comes first.


A major reason for the lack of blog posts is Brexit.  It takes all my spare energy to just keep up with the ludicrous convolutions of the fopdoodles who thrash about in a hopeless attempt to turn the nightmarish effluvia of their diseased imagination into a half-way credible reality, while the nation watches on in horrified fascination.

It is all too much, and it has been going on for too long.  I well understand people who just want to get it over with, although of course 'getting it over with' in this case means getting up from a well-appointed table in a nice restaurant, surrounded by one's oldest friends, and jumping into the darkest depths of a muddy village pond with a large rock tied to the ankle, and then spending several decades surviving on the tadpoles and sticklebacks that foolishly swim into one's open mouth, while being periodically twitted by former friends and long-time foes.

It's all too terribly ghastly.

In addition to having to witness this witless spectacle of a kakistocracy run rampant, I had to cope with a number of other changes and issues at work (and some of them occasioned by Brexit), as well as some health issues and personal set-backs.

Renovating my nose

I had lost my sense of smell a few years back because of nasal polyps, and what with all the stress and aggro of the last year or so, I had also become unable to breathe through my nose properly (especially at night).

So I decided some months back to undergo a series of water fasts, to try and shrink the polyps to a manageable size.  Basically, this involves eating nothing, and drinking only water, for a week or longer.

I have made some progress, and can breathe through my nose again most of the time.  And usually half-way through a fast, and for a few days afterwards, I can smell!!!!  Basically, I have a choice between eating food and smelling food ...

I find fasting a bit exhausting, and both during a fast, and in the period afterwards where I start to eat again, I need a lot of rest, and don't have the energy to do much aside from working and sleeping.

This is a major reason why I did not blog, I was just too darn exhausted much of the time.

Gay and Glamorous Living

I did do a fair bit of that!

I celebrated the 26th of April with a good friend, and spent a nice evening reminiscing and talking of the good old days, long long ago.

I also spend several lovely days in Paris, including a few weeks ago when it was extremely hot, and there was nothing for it but to loll in an air-conditioned restaurant inside the club, next to the pool, and gossip with my friends, while partaking of the decadent (but healthy!) buffet bar.  A day well spent, we thought!

There have of course also been the usual round of book-club gatherings, Tripletish occasions, and Twinish heart-to-hearts, like visiting the Wellcome Institute's exhibition on magic last Saturday, which was followed by a late lunch at Fisher's, and a serious discussion about self-identification at Pret's.

Later this week is another important social occasion .....

I will make an effort to write a bit more, but if I don't, now you know why.

Life keeps on happening, while I slowly saunter down the pale parabola of joy that is life in England these days.  

Oh for the days gone by, when my life resembled that of a maggot in a flitch of bacon, and I was feasting to my heart's content on the belly fat of fortuna!