Thursday 7 February 2019

The Southwood Garden of St James's, Piccadilly

Church by Christopher Wren - the chap who built St Paul's cathedral and any number of other churches

After the last meeting of the Bookclub at the Club, where the subject discussed was 'Novels based on historical characters', I meandered a little around the area.  Not far from my club there is Piccadilly, and a church with a little market with stalls that mainly sell craft items and bric-a-brac. 

I occasionally wander among the stalls, but this time my eye was caught by several statues looming in the distance in a little park adjacent to the market.  I went to explore a little, and while the park itself is nothing special, I did enjoy the various statues by a modern artist erected there.

The photos are self explanatory, I hope!

Bring your worries to the little green caravan

Emily Young sculpted these

I really like this - reminds me of Etruscan statues

And also of the statue that features in the film Midnight in the garden of good and evil

I always like me a compost heap

Someone gossiping on her mobile, I guess

The market stalls