Monday 2 April 2018

Another Little Door Project

The axe made the first hole

One of the problems with doors is that they take up a lot of space ....  The other week I decided to create a bit more space in the Parlour.  To that effect I (a) unhinged the door and deposited it in the Mouserleum, (b) demolished the three bottom shelves of my next to the fireplace bookshelves, which created an extra two square feet of space, which I pushed my armchair into, and (c) replaced the largish table in the middle of the room with a little Georgian tripod affair (don't worry, the centre table was not discarded, but is nestling in the cupboard underneath the stairs, and can be retrieved for largish tea parties and such like).

So now I had more space in the Parlour, but a door in the Mouserleum.

I had two choices.  I could either call the Council and pay them a small fortune to cart the door away; or I could dismember that little monster myself.  Well, I guess you know what I did.

First some explanatory photos....

This is actually the door to the kitchen, but the one in the Parlour was exactly the same

Yanking the door off its hinges required an inbuilt tendency towards hooliganism on my part

Now if I need to cordon off the Parlour from the dining room, for example to preserve heat, I draw my door curtains (made from a double Whitney woolen blanket and brass rings)

That chair used to be more than a foot away from the wall, flush with the fireplace surround

You can still see the shelf rest on the wall behind the chair

You see how spacious the room now looks?

I do love the footrest on that chair - the closest thing I have to a sofa!

But now on to pillage!!!

The door took up the entire length of the Mouserleum cum workshop - photographed from the kitchen door.

I laid it on its side fro easier dismemberment

First I separated the frame from the hardboard with a hammer and flat screwdriver

The hardboard came off in large chunks

Inside the door was a beehive-like cardboard filling

I ripped it off with the claw-hammer

The door was dismembered, now all I had to do was cut the pieces into small enough chunks to put into municipal waste sacks

This was quite a labour intensive project, but aside from a few scratches I managed alright.  What else are Saturdays for, after all?

The local rubbish collectors got lucky - my Triplets came for a visit today and offered to haul off two of the three bags and deposit them at the next waste dump, bless them.  R. will do anything for egg-salad sandwiches, maybe I should bribe her into participating in the next demolition project .....