Monday 16 January 2012

Stuff Parisians Like / Dessine-moi un Parisien

Some time ago I came across a totally hilarious blog (see link below) about the Parisians by Olivier Magny, who lives in Paris and runs a wine bar. Very close to the mark, by all accounts and in my own limited experience.

Favourite posts include one about clothes – always black, or at least dark blue or grey, colours which have the decency of looking like black. That post hit a real nerve with me, because I have a problem with the ever present black and its reputation as being classy and tasteful and slimming. Personally I would never wear a garment because it is slimming, thereby acknowledging that I am too fat – if I am too fat I lose weight, and anyway I decide what too fat is, and I am just fine, thanks a lot!

As to classy and tasteful, any fool can buy black. Wearing all the colours of the rainbow without them either clashing with each other or oneself, now that is classy and tasteful! It takes a long time to learn which colours suit one and which ones go together well, and the process of putting together a perfect outfit is quite an art. Wearing black is just a cop-out, a cheap option by those who seek to avoid making a real effort.

It is also of course completely conformist; I should hate to look exactly like everyone else! Men of course do this in most of the western world, limiting themselves to standard suits in black, blue, and charcoal grey, teamed with light shirts. The only individuality they permit themselves is in the choice of their tie, and even those tend to be predictably boring. Few men have the audacity of MDL, bless him, who once showed up in a beautiful yellow jacket for an official group photo of the staff at the government agency where he works, while everyone else wore somber grey suits.

I also like the posts about the Parisiennes who, contrary to popular opinion, are incredibly prim and proper and fear nothing more than being thought of as ‘easy’, the one about going to the cinema on Sunday afternoons, the recent craze for old style baguettes, the word ‘putain’, etc etc. Great blog, the only problem is that Olivier seems to be rather busy recently so few new posts. I blame that wretched wine bar!

Anyway, the blog was turned into a book last year, both in English (Stuff Parisians Like) and in French (Dessine-moi un Parisien). I bought the French version, seeing as the English can be read on the blog (link below).

By the way, I am not being paid to recommend this blog, I just really like it!