Tuesday 1 November 2011

Insulating the Little House Part 2

(5)  The woollen blanket is still hanging from its regular curtain rod.  I pull it close when I am inside.  So, useless when I am outside, but keeps in warmth when I am inside.  And it is well hidden behind the next item!

(6)  Curtain Lobby!!!  I am very proud of this idea.  I did not want to construct a lobby, because the parlour is small enough already.  But every time I opened the door heat escaped.  Solution?  A lobby made of fabric!  I affixed hooks to the ceiling in a semi circle around the door, and hung a thick lined velvet curtain from these hooks to form a lobby.  In Summer I just take it down, in Winter it stops the cold from coming in whenever I open the door.  Pure genius! 

(7)  Secondary double glazing.  This is great stuff, packs can be bought from iron mongers etc.  Basically, a thickish cling film is affixed to windows with the aid of double sided sticky tape.  Use a hairdryer to chase away the wrinkles in the film.  Not as good as proper double glazing, but helps keep the house warm.  And not really noticeable in daylight.  At night it is more noticeable, but I draw the curtains at night so am not bothered.  The only drawback is that one can’t open the windows any more, but I leave the bathroom window upstairs and the kitchen window downstairs uncovered, which is enough for airing the house.  When Spring comes I just rip off the film.

All the above mean that the house is between 18 and 20° C, with minimal only heating.  Not hot enough to lure back my houseguests, but plenty warm for me!