Sunday, 11 April 2021

Oxford Daily Photos - Rose Garden

Can you guess where this is?

The weather was a littler better today, so I went for a long walk around Oxford.  In front of the Botanical Garden is the Rose Garden.  The roses look awake, and some have new leaves, but it will be a while before we will see some blooms, I think.  Still, it is a nice area, and an excellent front cover for Magdalen College!

This is an interesting view - the front of these houses abut The High Street.  Hard to imagine there are such nice gardens behind those facades!

Christ Church looking lovely, some trees have come all over blossomy.

You see that tiny yellow speck in the middle of this huge lawn in front of Christ Church?  It is a dandelion!  I really admire that sort of  courage.

A bit closer up

Magnolia tree in full bloom near the workshop