Things are rather hectic these days, both at work and at home, but I did manage to update the window box (pink miniature roses) and create a little bulb garden in the Parlour - see photos.
I also managed to walk around Oxford's new shopping centre, looking to buy a new pair of brogues. And what do I see but that the central plaza is called 'Leiden Square'. Now I suspect that this is an homage to the city of Leiden in Holland, which Oxford is twinned with. It is nevertheless an unfortunate choice of name for a plaza that is in the centre of mainly expensive shops - because 'leiden' means 'suffering' in German. I suffer a lot in that area of Oxford, because I spend too much there!
On the way back I invested in a probably way too large tea cup. When your cup is larger than your teapot you know your cup is too big, but well - sometimes What The Hell! is the only attitude I am open to.
You see what I mean? That's almost a litre of tea! Well, nearly. |
Dodgy Fish Mongers have been blighting my existence recently ....
I was sitting in the Parlour, working from home, when I was alerted to the presence of strangers by a knock on the door. A fresh faced youth offered to sell me a few good fillets for a good price - and fresher than in the shops!
I actually fell for his sales patter, at which stage his colleague, much less comely and of a more advanced age, tried to muscle his way into the little house while I got my purse. I bustled him out, and was shocked to discover the price of the fish - about three times of that in the shops. I bought it anyway, to get rid of the fallacious fishmongers and get back to my work.
Then doubts entered my too trusting heart, and I started to google. And Bingo! found several reports of unscrupulous fish vendors victimising little old ladies by selling them overpriced substandard fish in massive quantities. Yet worse, sometimes they come back to burgle the houses they sold the fish to.
And I had foolishly told them I rarely worked from home on Fridays! I was obviously going to be victimised. Apparently as soon as I hit 60 the criminals of this earth had decided that I was a soft touch and easily duped, and had marked me out for premier victim status.
Already I felt enfeebled and defenseless.
Then I pulled myself together and called the police, and made a full and frank report, including a description of the fallacious fishmongers.
Then I photographed the fish and the receipt.
Then I cancelled the card I paid for the fish for.
Then I wrote an e-mail to the local criminal watch, and attached the photos.
Then I put the two packets of fish into a plastic bag and popped them in the freezer, in case fingerprints were needed at some future date.
Then I alerted all the neighbours. Luckily there are lots of students and pensioners in this area, so there are plenty of watchers and curtain twitchers about.
Then I altered my work schedule, so that I am at home on Fridays, and generally less predictable in my absences.
I barely slept for the first few nights after this happened, keeping a cast iron frying pan near my bed in case someone tried to burgle the house ....
I also rigged up a few anti-burglar devices, a la Calvin and Hobbes ....
I am not taking this laying down!
The fallacious fish mongers have not been seen again in this neighbourhood, but if they come I am ready for them!