Sunday 19 June 2016

Triple the Fun - Bubbly Triplets

Practically identical third triplet

Most people don't realise that I am a triplet, which leads to all sorts of surreal discussions in elevators and such like.  Only the other day a colleague, trying to make small talk, asked what I had planned for the weekend.

"I am out with the Triplets", said I.
"You are a triplet?" said the colleague.
"Yes of course, J&R".
"They can't possibly be your triplets!"
"Prove it!"
"You all look totally different!"
"I never said we were identical."
"But you are not the same age!"
"So?  You think triplets come out of the womb at the same time?  You have any idea what a strain that would be on the birth canal?  Triplets are born one at a time, so every triplet is a different age."
"A twenty year age difference?"
"Thirty actually - it is true they took their time.  They still tend to be late a lot.  I should be stricter with them, really."
"Sorry must dash, I am late for a meeting ...." colleague rushes off, eager to make a get-away.

Oh well. Even a bad reputation requires upkeep, as I always say.

Where was I?  Ah yes, Friday evening.  We sloped off to the Champagne Bar at St Pancras, partly to make J&R familiar with the lay of the land (we are planning a get-away from there later in the year), partly to celebrate R's birthday (yes, triplets have different birthdays, three each year, to be exact,so there is a lot of celebrating going on).

Pink champagne, with 2nd triplet looming in the background

St Pancras Champagne Bar - the longest in the world,rumour has it

The great thing with triplets is that you can trust them completely, and share all your secrets with them.  So we spent an hour or two slagging off all and sundry, focusing especially on the sundry, drinking pink champagne and feeling privileged and weekendish.

When that palled we trickled over to Pall Mall for a long evening of clubbing, and putting the world to rights, especially the part currently referred to as Europe - yes, that wretched referendum again!

It was nevertheless a splendid evening, and even having to traipse through the rain to the bus stop afterwards did not significantly crimp the mirth.

We'll re-group next weekend, when the Triplets are having a tea-orgy!  Actually that's not saying much - 3rd triplet has one of those every day ....