Wednesday 21 May 2014

Another missed exhibition – But it is nicer outside, anyway!

Last weekend I was in Paris, determined to see the exhibition of the Orient Express at the Institute of the Arab World.  Outside there were wagons to inspect, inside a collection of artefacts to view.  But my determination flew to the four corners of the world when I saw the crowds queuing at the entrance!  I hate queuing!!!

So I took a few shots of the locomotive and skedaddled.  What the hell, I’ll see it next time.  By the way, the exhibition is the opening gambit by SNCF, who plan to re-instate the Orient Express later this year.  Not sure whether they’ll get to Baghdad, but even just to Istanbul would be pretty cool.

Enjoying the sunshine next to the Seine!

Anyway, I took myself off and down the river, passing Notre Dame along the way.  And luck was with me, because while I was busy taking photos of stolen gargoyles a band struck up a merry tune, a large side door opened, and a procession of well dressed people carrying banners emerged and marched down the street.  Apparently some Grand Legume (bigshot) was visiting the cathedral, a bishop or whatnot.  It was very interesting, anyway, and all the tourists were watching transfixed, while I darted in between them taking pictures of gargoyles.

I think that counts as one of My Gay and Glamorous Life episodes!

Mutilated gargoyle of Notre Dame


And again

Side door opens ...

Hotel Dieu is a hospital